Saturday, March 24, 2012

***What I want to get out of this course***

This post is an extremely important one in my view, as this is where after going over all the course descriptions and requirement and assignments, I sit down and think...okay so what do I actually want to walk away from this course with when it's all said and done?

Well, the obvious answer would be a pass and high marks. An HD would be awesome.

But beyond that there's a lot more I really want to learn from this course over the semester. A lot of the stuff I realised I want to learn came from reviewing the course guide learning outcomes for this course, and were as follows:

"So researching the media industry, both in Australia and globally including the US, will give me more of an idea of the positions available to me and the issues surrounding the media industry everywhere....
...I want knowdlege, I want statistics, I want dry research journals and articles and I want to know what's going on. I want to feel informed and well educated on the contemporary mediascape I'm trying to find my way through....
...I really want to UNDERSTAND how the industry works in a number of different capacities, including practice and theory.
And another key learning curve I want to dive into is the ISSUES surrounding the Media Industry...
Sound knowledge of media industries in terms of infrastructure, culture, key players and aware of a range of emerging technoogical forms and cultural debates."

So to kind of try and just sum all the thoughts I have bouncing around my head up, here are a list of things I want to focus on learning this semester, and knowledge I want to walk away from this course with:
  • RESEARCH: how to research, the research process itself, finding academic resources, conducting interviews, drawing conclusions, referencing properly...everything concerning the whole research process
  • MEDIA INDUSTRY INFRASTRUCTURE: everything from culture and key players so policy
  • MEDIA INDUSTRY ISSUES: everything from emerging technology forms to key cuture debates (eg. censorship, ownership, technology, privacy etc.)
  • MEDIA INDUSTRY POSITIONS: I want to research the positions that are available to me, both here and globally (particularly in the US) so that perhaps I can find someone with that exact job I want and shadow their steps

I want to walk away from this course as an expert on the media industry and issues surrounding the mediascape today. Let's begin.

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